Student Solution


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4 Subjects

Lowenstein p. 428

Lowenstein p. 428

Q Lowenstein p. 428 How does Lowenstein negotiate the borders and divisions between her Afro-Caribbean students and the Jewish community? 1. Write a short intro where you respond to the question in one or two sentences. 2. In the body of your response support your answer by referring to specific passages from the reading in your own words. 3. Comment on two other posts, clarifying or elaborating on the post. 4. Extra points for responding to comments on your initial post.

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Lowenstein teaches a class full of Afro-Caribbean students and she negotiates the borders and divisions between her students and the Jewish community by reading the comic book Maus, which is about the Holocaust and Jews undergoing camps in Aushuwitz. She brings up the stereotypes and leads the students to understand Jews and other minorities. When Lowenstein assigned Maus to her students, they were offended because they felt like she thought that they couldn't read because Maus was a comic book.